Tuesday 31 October 2017


Do all you can
To love my friend

For peace of mind
Learn to be kind

Each soul owns lease
For love to please

Know who you are
A lovely star

Dare to fact proof
Live then the truth

Joy floods your face
So dance with grace

Each day you live
Learn how to give

The love you take
Is what you make

All is well here
So live with cheer

Purge all your gall
Love big not small

Your time will come
To match your sum

Do as you please
Live love's last lease

Rights and wrongs

Rights and wrongs,
are decorative medals.

The one who does right,
is often wrong.

The one who does wrong,
is often right.

The one who tells truth,
is often intimidated.

The individual who tells lies,
is often rewarded.

In this world of matter,
stay contradictions.

Right, wrong, truth and lies,
cannot share a bench.